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Ancient Jew’s harps found in Altai Mountains as musical instruments reappear after 1,700 years

9 января 2018
Ancient Jew’s harps found in Altai Mountains as musical instruments reappear after 1,700 years
Интернет издание "The Siberian Times"

Made from the splintered ribs of cows or horses, one is still capable of making music.

It is good enough to make music some 1,580-to-1,740 years after being manufactured by craftsmen in the Huns-Sarmatian period. Picture here and below: Andrey Borodovsky.

The musical finds were made by archeologists at two sites Chultukov Log 9 and Cheremshanka in Altai Republic.

Three of the Jew’s harps - also called jaw or mouth harps - from the first site were half-finished.

The other two from Cheremshanka were complete, and one is good enough to make music some 1,580-to-1,740 years after being manufactured by craftsmen in the Huns-Sarmatian period.

5 ancient Jew's harp

The musical finds were made by archeologists at two sites Chultukov Log 9 and Cheremshanka in Altai Republic.

The acrting harp is 11 centimetres in length, and 8.6 cm wide.

The finds were announced by Professor Andrey Borodovsky, of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography in Novosibirsk, part of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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